Wearable, comfy and stylish, the Fairford women’s fleece is a great addition to your outdoor gear. Using Airtap technology, this fleece helps to keep you insulated by trapping body heat which tries to escape, so you are provided with warmth for as long as you have it on.
Coming in at 200gsm, this fleece is very lightweight making it perfect for lengthy excursions such as hiking and camping. Further, with a polyester composition, the Fairford is durable allowing you to push it and yourself to the limit, whilst still feeling comfortable.
Designed with a slub effect, this fleece will go seamlessly with your existing outdoor clothing while the bright block colour will help you stand out. The addition of a concealed zip pocket and ½ zip neck not only enhances the design of this top but also makes it extremely practical for the outdoors. Wear with hiking trousers, boots and a waterproof jacket for additional protection.
Technical Specification
- Slub Marl Fleece
- Back Side Brushed
- 1/2 Zip Neck with Chin Guard
- Concealed Zip Pocket
- Flat Cuff
- Cover Stitched Seams
Fabric Composition
- Knitted
- 100% Polyester
Fabric Properties
- Airtrap
- 200gsm