2-1/2" L x 12" W x 9-1/2" H, Large, For Minor Injuries, Latex-Free. (5) 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" patch plastic bandages (15) 1" x 3" adhesive plastic bandages (25) 3/4" x 3" adhesive plastic bandages (10) 3/8" x 1/2" junior plastic bandages (3) knuckle fabric bandages (3) fingertip fabric bandages (3) 2" x 4" elbow and knee plastic bandage (2) 40" x 40" x 56" triangular sling/bandages with 2 safety pins (6) 3" x 3" gauze dressing pads (6) 4" x 4" gauze dressing pads 3" conforming gauze roll bandage 4" conforming gauze roll bandage (2) 5" x 9" trauma pads (6) BZK antiseptic towelettes (2) 81mg chewable aspirin tablets (5) 0.5g triple antibiotic ointment packs (2) 0.9g hydrocortisone cream packs (2) 0.9g hand sanitizer packs 10 yds x 1/2" first aid tape roll scissors tweezers (4) latex-free vinyl gloves emergency blanket CPR one-way valve faceshield instant cold compress (4) one-time use thermometers durable zippered nylon bag with clear-pocket pages American Red Cr